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Pre-Publicación 2017-04

Luis F. Gatica, Filander A. Sequeira:

A priori and a posteriori error analyses of an HDG method for the Brinkman problem


In this paper we introduce and analyze a hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for the linear Brinkman model of porous media flow in two and three dimensions, with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. We consider a fully-mixed formulation in which the main unknowns are given by the pseudostress, the velocity and the trace of the velocity, whereas the pressure is easily recovered through a simple postprocessing. We show that the corresponding continuous and discrete schemes are well-posed. In particular, we use the projection-based error analysis in order to derive a priori error estimates. Furthermore, we develop a reliable and efficient residual-based a posteriori error estimator, and propose the associated adaptive algorithm for our HDG approximation. Finally, several numerical results illustrating the performance of the method, confirming the theoretical properties of the estimator, and showing the expected behaviour of the adaptive refinements are presented.

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Esta prepublicacion dio origen a la(s) siguiente(s) publicación(es) definitiva(s):

Luis F. GATICA, Filander A. SEQUEIRA: A priori and a posteriori error analyses of an HDG method for the Brinkman problem. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 75, 4, pp. 1191-1212, (2018).