The registration fee must be paid by October 31st, 2015 with credit card through the Mall Virtual¹. This is a virtual store, which channels the purchase of products and services offered by the Universidad de Concepción.
- Regular registration fee. To submit your payment click here.
- Reduced registration fee (undergraduate and doctoral students). Please email us an enrollment letter or certificate. To submit your payment click here.
The fee covers:
- Book of Abstracts, Information Material
- Attendance to all Scientific Sessions
- Lunches
- Coffee Breaks
- Social Program: Welcome Reception, Conference Dinner
¹ Suggestions when opening the webpage of Mall Virtual:
- The language of the website can be changed in the upper-right corner.
- You might need to activate the pop-ups in your browser when proceeding to the payment step.
- It should work in all browsers, but Google Chrome is recommended.
- Adobe Flash Player version 10.0.0 or greater must be installed in your computer.