Jessika Camaño was recognized by her undergraduate students in the UCSC
Within the context of the 25th Anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, which was held during the last days of August, the researcher of the Center for Research in Mathematical Engineering, CI²MA, University of Concepción, Jessika Camaño, was recognized as the best evaluated academician of the ordinary faculty of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, according to a survey subscribed by the students each semester. "It is an important recognition for me. During the time that I have been at UCSC I have been concerned to make the best of my work, in particular, to try to do a good teaching and improve day after day. I think the students have realized this and today they are recognizing it with this award".
About the keys for her to get this award, she says that "the main issue is to create during the class a climate of trust between the students and the teacher in such a way that students are comfortable and do not feel embarrassed or afraid to made mistakes when they ask. The respect between the students and the teacher is also very relevant. In my opinion, these are the main ingredients to take into account in order to be able to perform a good class together with, obviously, a total mastery of the teacher on the subjects to be discussed each time".
Jessika graduated in Mathematics (UdeC, 2006), obtained her Master in Mathematics degree (UdeC, 2008) and obtained her Ph.D in Applied Sciences with a minor in Mathematical Engineering (UdeC, 2013), after defending her thesis Methods of Finite Elements for Problems in Bioelectromagnetism, which was directed by CI²MA researcher Rodolfo Rodríguez, and by Professors Ana Alonso-Rodríguez and Alberto Valli from Università di Trento, Italy. Her main research areas are Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, in Basic Sciences, and Computational Electromagnetism, in other more applied studies. On this matter, Jessika sustains that "people who do research usually go beyond class contents, often associating them with the research they do. This creates an instance of questions and answers during classes which makes them much more interesting for students and also for ourselves".
Since 2012, she has published about 15 articles in indexed journals (three of them in review), and currently she contributes in the project Finite Elements Methods for Problems in Bioelectromagnetism and Fluid Mechanics (Fondecyt N° 11140691) as main researcher. In her short but fruitful career, she has directed undergraduate, master and doctorate theses from UdeC and Universidad del Bío-Bío. At UCSC, she currently teaches Calculus III and Numerical Calculus.