CI²MA - Publicaciones | Prepublicaciones

Pre-Publicación 2020-14

Raimund Bürger, Paola Goatin, Daniel Inzunza, Luis M. Villada:

A non-local pedestrian flow model accounting for anisotropic interactions and walking domain boundaries


This study revises the non-local macroscopic pedestrian flow model proposed in [R. M. Colombo, M. Garavello, and M. Lécureux-Mercier. A class of nonlocal models for pedestrian traffic. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 22(4):1150023, 34, 2012] to account for anisotropic interactions and the presence of walls or other obstacles in the walking domain. We prove the well-posedness of this extended model and we apply high-resolution numerical schemes to illustrate the model characteristics. In particular, numerical simulations highlight the role of different model parameters in the observed pattern formation.

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Esta prepublicacion dio origen a la(s) siguiente(s) publicación(es) definitiva(s):

Raimund BüRGER, Paola GOATIN, Daniel INZUNZA, Luis M. VILLADA: A non-local pedestrian flow model accounting for anisotropic interactions and domain boundaries. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 17, 5, pp. 5883-5906, (2020).