Artículos en Revistas Científicas
La siguiente es la lista de publicaciones en revistas científicas del autor indicado, ordenadas por año de ocurrencia, a partir de 2009, fecha de creación del Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Matemática (CI²MA). Al hacer LINK en el logo de MathScinet ubicado a la derecha, se despliegan todas las publicaciones de este autor en dicha base de datos de la AMS. A su vez, al hacer LINK en un determinado co-autor se despliegan todas sus publicaciones disponibles en la presente base de datos.
Publicaciones de Salim MEDDAHI |
Número | Autores, Título y Datos de la Publicación | DOI Link |
2022-39 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Norbert HEUER, Salim MEDDAHI: Numerical analysis and no regrets. Special issue dedicated to the memory of Francisco Javier Sayas (1968–2019). Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, vol. 22, 4, pp. 751-755, (2022). |
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2022-34 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: An Lp spaces-based formulation yielding a new fully mixed finite element method for the coupled Darcy and heat equations. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 42, 4, pp. 3154-3206, (2022). |
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2021-20 | Gabriel N. GATICA, George C. HSIAO, Salim MEDDAHI: Further developments on boundary-field equation methods for nonlinear transmission problems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 502, 2, Art. Num. 125262, (2021). |
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2021-12 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Antonio MARQUEZ, Salim MEDDAHI: A mixed finite element method with reduced symmetry for the standard model in linear viscoelasticity. Calcolo, vol. 58, 1, article: 11, (2021). |
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2020-56 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI: Coupling of virtual element and boundary element methods for the solution of acoustic scattering problems. Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 28, 4, pp. 223-245, (2020). |
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2019-46 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI: On the coupling of VEM and BEM in two and three dimensions. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 57, 6, pp. 2493-2518, (2019). |
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2019-32 | Felipe LEPE, Salim MEDDAHI, David MORA, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ: Mixed discontinuous Galerkin approximation of the elasticity eigenproblem. Numerische Mathematik, vol. 142, 3, pp. 749-786, (2019). |
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2019-01 | Felipe LEPE, Salim MEDDAHI, David MORA, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ: Acoustic vibration problem for dissipative fluids. Mathematics of Computation, vol. 88, 315, pp. 45-71, (2019). |
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2017-40 | Carlos GARCIA, Gabriel N. GATICA, Antonio MARQUEZ, Salim MEDDAHI: A fully discrete scheme for the pressure-stress formulation of the time-domain fluid-structure interaction problem. Calcolo, vol. 54, 4, pp. 1419-1439, (2017). |
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2017-37 | Carlos GARCIA, Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI: Finite element semidiscretization of a pressure-stress formulation for the time-domain fluid-structure interaction problem. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 37, 4, pp. 1772-1799, (2017). |
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2017-28 | Carlos GARCIA, Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI: A new mixed finite element method for elastodynamics with weak symmetry. Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 72, 3, pp. 1049-1079, (2017). |
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2016-29 | Sebastian DOMINGUEZ, Gabriel N. GATICA, Antonio MARQUEZ, Salim MEDDAHI: A primal-mixed formulation for the strong coupling of quasi-Newtonian fluids with porous media. Advances in Computational Mathematics, vol. 42, 3, pp. 675-720, (2016). |
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2016-24 | Gabriel N. GATICA, George C. HSIAO, Salim MEDDAHI, Francisco J. SAYAS: New developments on the coupling of mixed-FEM and BEM for the three-dimensional exterior Stokes problem. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, vol. 13, 3, pp. 457-492, (2016). |
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2016-21 | Carlos GARCIA, Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI: A new mixed finite element analysis of the elastodynamic equations. Applied Mathematics Letters, vol. 59, pp. 48-55, (2016). |
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2016-04 | Salim MEDDAHI, David MORA: Nonconforming mixed finite element approximation of a fluid-structure interaction spectral problem. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, vol. 9, 1, pp. 269-287, (2016). |
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2015-32 | Carolina DOMINGUEZ, Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI: A posteriori error analysis of a fully-mixed finite element method for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. Journal of Computational Mathematics, vol. 33, 6, pp. 606-641, (2015). |
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2015-06 | Salim MEDDAHI, David MORA, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ: A finite element analysis of a pseudostress formulation for the Stokes eigenvalue problem. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 35, 2, pp. 749-766, (2015). |
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2014-29 | Salim MEDDAHI, David MORA, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ: Finite element analysis for a pressure-stress formulation of a fluid-structure interaction spectral problem. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 68, 12-A, pp. 1733-1750, (2014). |
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2014-11 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Norbert HEUER, Salim MEDDAHI: Coupling of mixed finite element and stabilized boundary element methods for a fluid-solid interaction problem in 3D. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 30, 4, pp. 1211-1233, (2014). |
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2014-10 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Antonio MARQUEZ, Salim MEDDAHI: Analysis of an augmented fully-mixed finite element method for a three-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, vol. 11, 3, pp. 624-656, (2014). |
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2013-15 | Gabriel N. GATICA, George C. HSIAO, Salim MEDDAHI, Francisco J. SAYAS: On the dual-mixed formulation for an exterior Stokes problem. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), vol. 93, 6-7, pp. 437-445, (2013). |
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2013-11 | Salim MEDDAHI, David MORA, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ: Finite element spectral analysis for the mixed formulation of the elasticity equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 51, 2, pp. 1041-1063, (2013). |
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2013-04 | Carolina DOMINGUEZ, Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI, Ricardo OYARZÚA: A priori error analysis of a fully-mixed finite element method for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 47, 2, pp. 471-506, (2013). |
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2012-22 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Antonio MARQUEZ, Salim MEDDAHI: Analysis of the coupling of Lagrange and Arnold-Falk-Winther finite elements for a fluid-solid interaction problem in three dimensions. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 50, 3, pp. 1648-1674, (2012). |
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2012-14 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI: Finite element analysis of a time harmonic Maxwell problem with an impedance boundary condition. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 32, 2, pp. 534-552, (2012). |
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2010-21 | Gabriel N. GATICA, George C. HSIAO, Salim MEDDAHI: A coupled mixed finite element method for the interaction problem between an electromagnetic field and an elastic body. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 48, 4, pp. 1338-1368, (2010) |
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2009-25 | Gabriel N. GATICA, George C. HSIAO, Salim MEDDAHI: A residual-based a posteriori error estimator for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. Numerische Mathematik, vol. 114, 1, pp. 63-106, (2009) |
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2009-20 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Antonio MARQUEZ, Salim MEDDAHI: Analysis of the coupling of BEM, FEM and mixed-FEM for a two-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem. Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 59, 11, pp. 2735-2750, (2009) |
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2009-19 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Antonio MARQUEZ, Salim MEDDAHI: An augmented mixed finite element method for 3D linear elasticity problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 231, 2, pp. 526-540, (2009) |
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2009-15 | Ramiro ACEVEDO, Salim MEDDAHI, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ: An E-based mixed formulation for a time-dependent eddy current problem. Mathematics of Computation, vol. 78, 268, pp. 1929-1949, (2009) |
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2009-04 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Antonio MARQUEZ, Salim MEDDAHI: A new coupling of mixed finite element and boundary element methods for an exterior Helmholtz problem in the plane. Advances in Computational Mathematics, vol. 30, 3, pp. 281-301, (2009) |
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2009-02 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Salim MEDDAHI, Ricardo OYARZÚA: A conforming mixed finite-element method for the coupling of fluid flow with porous media flow. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 29, 1, pp. 86-108, (2009) |
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