CI²MA - Publicaciones | Artículos en Revistas Científicas

Artículos en Revistas Científicas

La siguiente es la lista de publicaciones en revistas científicas del autor indicado, ordenadas por año de ocurrencia, a partir de 2009, fecha de creación del Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Matemática (CI²MA). Al hacer LINK en el logo de MathScinet ubicado a la derecha, se despliegan todas las publicaciones de este autor en dicha base de datos de la AMS. A su vez, al hacer LINK en un determinado co-autor se despliegan todas sus publicaciones disponibles en la presente base de datos.

Publicaciones de Jessika CAMAÑO

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NúmeroAutores, Título y Datos de la Publicación

Lady ANGELO, Jessika CAMAÑO, Sergio CAUCAO: A five-field mixed formulation for stationary magnetohydrodynamic flows in porous media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 414, Art. Num. 116158, (2023).


Ana ALONSO-RODRIGUEZ, Jessika CAMAÑO: A graph-based algorithm for the approximation of the spectrum of the curl operator. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 45, 1, pp. A147-A169, (2023).


Ana ALONSO-RODRIGUEZ, Jessika CAMAÑO, Eduardo DE LOS SANTOS, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ: Divergence-free finite elements for the numerical solution of a hydroelastic vibration problem. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 39, pp. 163-186, (2023).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Carlos GARCIA, Ricardo OYARZÚA: Analysis of a new mixed-FEM for stationary incompressible magneto-hydrodynamics. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 127, pp. 65-79, (2022).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Sergio CAUCAO, Ricardo OYARZÚA, Segundo VILLA-FUENTES: A posteriori error analysis of a momentum conservative Banach-spaces based mixed-FEM for the Navier-Stokes problem. Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 176, pp. 134-158, (2022).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Carlos GARCIA, Ricardo OYARZÚA: Analysis of a momentum conservative mixed-FEM for the stationary Navier-Stokes problem. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 37, 5, pp. 2895-2923, (2021).


Ana ALONSO-RODRIGUEZ, Jessika CAMAÑO, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ, Alberto VALLI, Pablo VENEGAS: Finite element approximation of the spectrum of the curl operator in a multiply-connected domain. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, vol. 18, 6, pp. 1493-1533, (2018).


Ana ALONSO-RODRIGUEZ, Jessika CAMAÑO, Eduardo DE LOS SANTOS, Francesca RAPETTI: A graph approach for the construction of high order divergence-free Raviart-Thomas finite elements. Calcolo, vol. 55, 4, article:42, (2018).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ, Pablo VENEGAS: Convergence of a lowest-order finite element method for the transmission eigenvalue problem. Calcolo, vol. 55, 3, article:33, (2018).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Ricardo OYARZÚA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Giordano TIERRA: Error analysis of an augmented mixed method for the Navier-Stokes problem with mixed boundary conditions. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 38, 3, pp. 1452-1484, (2018).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Cristian MUÑOZ, Ricardo OYARZÚA: Numerical analysis of a dual-mixed problem in non-standard Banach spaces. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, vol. 48, pp. 114-130, (2018).


Ana ALONSO-RODRIGUEZ, Jessika CAMAÑO, Riccardo GHILONI, Alberto VALLI: Graphs, spanning trees and divergence-free finite elements in domains of general topology. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 37, 4, pp. 1986-2003, (2017).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Gabriel N. GATICA, Ricardo OYARZÚA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: An augmented stress-based mixed finite element method for the steady state Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear viscosity. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 33, 5, pp. 1692-1725, (2017).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Ricardo OYARZÚA, Giordano TIERRA: Analysis of an augmented mixed-FEM for the Navier-Stokes problem. Mathematics of Computation, vol. 86, 304, pp. 589-615, (2017).


Ana ALONSO-RODRIGUEZ, Jessika CAMAÑO, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ, Alberto VALLI: Assessment of two approximation methods for the inverse problem of electroencephalography. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, vol. 13, 4, pp. 587-609, (2016).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Gabriel N. GATICA, Ricardo OYARZÚA, Giordano TIERRA: An augmented mixed finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations with variable viscosity. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 54, 2, pp. 1069-1092, (2016).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Gabriel N. GATICA, Ricardo OYARZÚA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Pablo VENEGAS: New fully-mixed finite element methods for the Stokes-Darcy coupling. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 295, pp. 362-395, (2015).


Ana ALONSO-RODRIGUEZ, Jessika CAMAÑO, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ, Alberto VALLI: A posteriori error estimates for the problem of electrostatics with a dipole source. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 68, 4, pp. 464-485, (2014).


Jessika CAMAÑO, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ: Analysis of a FEM-BEM model posed on the conducting domain for the time-dependent eddy current problem. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 236, 13, pp. 3084-3100, (2012).


Ana ALONSO-RODRIGUEZ, Jessika CAMAÑO, Alberto VALLI: Inverse source problems for eddy current equations. Inverse Problems, vol. 28, 1, 015001 (24pp), (2012).