Articulos en Proceedings o Capítulos de Libros
La siguiente es la lista de publicaciones en proceedings o capítulos de libros del Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Matemática, ordenadas por año de ocurrencia, a partir de 2009, fecha de creación de este centro. Al hacer LINK en un determinado autor se despliegan todas sus publicaciones disponibles en esta base de datos.
Año 2025 | |
Número | Autores, Título y Datos del Proceeding o Libro |
2025-01 | Sergio CAUCAO, Gabriel N. GATICA, Saulo MEDRADO, Yuri D. SOBRAL: A mixed finite element method for a mu(I)-rheology model of granular materials. In: Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 11, no. 1, (2025). |
Año 2024 | |
Número | Autores, Título y Datos del Proceeding o Libro |
2024-03 | Marie HAGHEBAERT, Beatrice LAROCHE, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Study of the Numerical Method for an Inverse Problem of a Simplified Intestinal Crypt. In: Ammari, K., Doubova, A., Gerbi, S., Gonzalez-Burgos, M. (eds) Advances in Partial Differential Equations and Control. CRF 2023. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhauser, Cham, pp. 175-195, (2024). |
2024-02 | Paola GOATIN, Daniel INZUNZA, Luis M. VILLADA: Numerical comparison of nonlocal macroscopic models of multi-population pedestrian flows with anisotropic kernel. In: Parés, C., Castro, M.J., Morales de Luna, T., Muñoz-Ruiz, M.L. (eds) Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications. . Volume II HYP 2022. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol 35. Springer, Cham. pp 371-381. (2024). |
2024-01 | Paola GOATIN, Luis M. VILLADA, Alexandra WÜRTH: A cheap and easy-to-implement upwind scheme for second order traffic flow models. In: Parés, C., Castro, M.J., Morales de Luna, T., Muñoz-Ruiz, M.L. (eds) Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications. Volume II . HYP 2022. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol 35. Springer, Cham. pp 209-219. (2024). |
Año 2023 | |
Número | Autores, Título y Datos del Proceeding o Libro |
2023-01 | Franz CHOULY, Patrick HILD, Yves RENARD: Méthodes de lagrangien et de Nitsche pour l'approximation numérique des conditions de contact avec frottement. In: Chapter 1 of "Modélisation numérique en mécanique fortement non linéaire", pp. 8-52, 2023. Editors : Jacques Besson, Frédéric Lebon & Eric Lorentz. ISTE Editions (Collection Sciences). ISBN 978-1-78948-081-8. |
Año 2022 | |
Número | Autores, Título y Datos del Proceeding o Libro |
2022-04 | Franco FAGNOLA, Carlos M. MORA: A Mean-Field Laser Quantum Master Equation. In: Accardi, L., Mukhamedov, F., Al Rawashdeh, A. (eds) Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Applications. ICQPRT 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 390. Springer, Cham.. |
2022-03 | David MORA, Alberth SILGADO: Virtual element methods for a stream-function formulation of the Oseen equations. In: Antonietti, P.F., Beirão da Veiga, L., Manzini, G. (eds) The Virtual Element Method and its Applications. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol 31, pp. 321-361, (2022). Springer, Cham. |
2022-02 | Gabriel N. GATICA, Antonio MARQUEZ, Salim MEDDAHI: A virtual marriage a la mode: some recent results on the coupling of VEM and BEM. In: Antonietti, P.F., Beirao da Veiga, L., Manzini, G. (eds) The Virtual Element Method and its Applications. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol 31, pp. 227-274, (2022). Springer, Cham. |
2022-01 | Raimund BÜRGER, Fernando CONCHA: Sedimentation. In: Chapter 6 in: Catia Contado (ed.), Particle Separation Techniques: Fundamentals, Instrumentation, and Selected Applications, Elsevier (series: Handbooks in Separation Science), Oxford, UK, pp. 155-177, (2022). |
2020-02 | Adrian CARRILLO-GALVEZ, Fabián FLORES-BAZÁN, Enrique LOPEZ: On the solution of the Environmental/Economic Dispatch problem using Lagrangian duality. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2020), Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 619-623, doi: 10.1109/ICIT45562.2020.9067261, (2020). |
2020-01 | Felisia A. CHIARELLO, Paola GOATIN, Luis M. VILLADA: High-order finite volume WENO schemes for non-local multi-class traffic flow models. In: Alberto Bressan, Marta Lewicka, Dehua Wang, Yuxi Zheng (eds.), Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications. AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics vol. 10 American Institute of Applied Mathematics, Springfield, MO, USA, pp. 353-360, (2020). |
2019-02 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Remarks about spatially structured SI model systems with cross diffusion. In: B. N. Chetverushkin, W. Fitzgibbon, Y.A. Kuznetsov, P. Neittaanmäki, J. Periaux, O. Pironneau (eds) Contributions to Partial Differential Equations and Applications. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. vol 47. pp. 43–64. Springer, (2019). |
2019-01 | Aníbal CORONEL, Richard LAGOS, Pep MULET, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: A numerical method for an inverse problem arising in two-phase fluid flow transport through a homogeneous porous medium. In: Radu F., Kumar K., Berre I., Nordbotten J., Pop I. (eds) Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2017. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol 126. pp. 615-623. Springer, (2019). |
2018-01 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL, Camilo MEJÍAS, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Convection-diffusion-reaction and transport-flow problems motivated by models of sedimentation: some recent advances. In: B. Sirakov, P.N. de Souza and M. Viana (eds.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Rio de Janeiro 2018. In: Vol. IV: Invited Lectures, World Scientific, Singapore, 3489-3514 (2018). |
2017-01 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Camilo MEJÍAS: A model for continuous sedimentation with reactions for wastewater treatment. In: G. Mannina (ed.), Frontiers in Wastewater Treatment and Modelling (FICWTM 2017), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering vol. 4, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 596-601, (2017). |
2016-02 | Alfredo BERMÚDEZ, Marta PIÑEIRO, Rodolfo RODRÍGUEZ, Pilar SALGADO: Analysis of a T,phi - phi formulation of the eddy current problem based on edge finite elements. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2015, B. Karasözen et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering vol. 112, pp. 547-555, Springer, 2016. |
2016-01 | Raimund BÜRGER, Francisco GUERRERO, María Carmen MARTÍ, Pep MULET: WENO Schemes for Multi-Dimensional Porous Media Flow Without Capillarity. In: Trends in Differential Equations and Applications, SEMA SIMAI, Editors: Ortegón Gallego, Francisco, Redondo Neble, María Victoria, Rodríguez Galván, José Rafael (Eds.), Springer Series, vol.8 , pp. 301-320, Springer International Publishing, 2016. |
2015-03 | Tomás BARRIOS, Rommel BUSTINZA, Galina C. GARCÍA, María GONZÁLEZ: An a posteriori error estimator for a new stabilized formulation of the Brinkman problem. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2013, Abdulle, A. et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 103, pp. 253-261, Springer Verlag, 2015. |
2015-02 | Veronica ANAYA, Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Michael LANGLAIS, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Pattern Formation for a Reaction Diffusion System with Constant and Cross Diffusion. In: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2013, Abdulle, A. et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 103, pp. 153-164, Springer Verlag, 2015. |
2015-01 | Anahi GAJARDO, Diego MALDONADO, Andres MOREIRA: Universal time-symmetric number-conserving cellular automaton. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9099, pp. 155-168, (2015). Proceedings of Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, Jarkko Kari (Ed.), 21st IFIPWG 1.5 International Workshop, AUTOMATA 2015, Turku, Finland, June 8–10, 2015. |
2014-02 | Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Adaptive Mesh Refinement for spectral WENO schemes for efficient simulation of polydisperse sedimentation processes. In: F. Ancona, A. Bressan, P. Marcati and A. Marson (eds.), Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications. AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics vol. 8, American Institute of Applied Mathematics, Sprigfield, MO, USA, pp. 381-388, (2014). |
2014-01 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Hector TORRES, Carlos A. VEGA: On numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws and related equations modelling sedimentation of solid-liquid suspensions. In: G.-Q. Chen, H. Holden and K.H. Karlsen (eds.), Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Related Analysis with Applications. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 23-68 (2014). |
2012-03 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Kenneth H. KARLSEN: Well-posedness and travelling wave analysis for a strongly degenerate parabolic aggregation equation. In: T. Li and S. Jiang (eds.), Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications. Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics CAM 17/18, vol. 1. Higher Education Press, Beijing, China, pp. 312-319, (2012). |
2012-02 | Fabián FLORES-BAZÁN, Fernando FLORES-BAZÁN, Cristian VERA: Gordan-type alternative theorems and vector optimization. In: Chapter 2 in "Recent Developments in Vector Optimization", Q. H. Ansari and J.-C. Yao (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Vol. 1, pp. 29-59, (2012). |
2012-01 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Sebastian FARåS, Ingmar NOPENS: Simulation of the secondary settling process with reliable numerical methods. In: Proceedings of the 8th IWA Symposium on Systems Analysis and Integrated Assessment (WATERMATEX 2011), 19-22 June 2011, San Sebastián, Spain. International Water Association (IWA), London, UK, Volume I, 21-28 (2011). |
2011-02 | Raimund BÜRGER, Ilja KRÖKER, Christian ROHDE: Uncertainty quantification for a clarifier-thickener model with random feed. In: J. Fort, J. Fürst, J. Halama, R. Herbin and F. Hubert (eds.), Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI-Problems & Perspectives, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 195-203 (2011). |
2011-01 | Fabián FLORES-BAZÁN, Sigifredo LAENGLE: Non-negativity of information value in games, symmetry and invariance. In: Operations Research Proceedings, Selected papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Bo hu, Karl Morasch, Stefan Picki and Markus Siegle (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (2011), 59-64. |