Pre-Publicación 2012-18
Raimund Bürger, Enrique D. Fernández Nieto, El Hadji Koné, Tomás Morales De Luna:
A multilayer shallow water system for polydisperse sedimentation
This work considers the flow of a fluid containing one disperse substance consisting of small particles that belong to different species differing size and density. The flow is modelled by combining a multilayer shallow water approach with a polydisperse sedimentation process. The resulting model is less expensive, from a computational point of view, than a full coupled two- or three-dimensional sedimentation-flow coupled model. The new model is adequate in situations where the settling takes place from a suspension that undergoes horizontal movement such as the transport and deposition of suspended particulate matter in rivers and estuaries. Numerical examples are presented.
Esta prepublicacion dio origen a la(s) siguiente(s) publicación(es) definitiva(s):
Raimund BüRGER, Enrique D. FERNáNDEZ NIETO, El Hadji KONé, Tomás MORALES DE LUNA: A multilayer shallow water system for polydisperse sedimentation. Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 238, pp. 281-314, (2013).