Pre-Publicación 2019-36
Carlo Lovadina, David Mora, Iván Velásquez:
A virtual element method for the von Kármán equations
In this article we propose and analyze a Virtual Element Method (VEM) to approximate the isolated solutions of the von Kármán equations, which describes the deformation of very thin elastic plates. We consider a variational formulation in terms of two variables: the transverse displacement of the plate and the Airy stress function. The VEM scheme is conforming in $H^2$ for both variables and has the advantages of supporting general polygonal meshes and is simple in terms of coding aspects. We prove that the discrete problem is well posed for $h$ small enough and optimal error estimates are obtained. Finally, numerical experiments are reported illustrating the behavior of the virtual scheme on different families of meshes.
Esta prepublicacion dio origen a la(s) siguiente(s) publicación(es) definitiva(s):
Carlo LOVADINA, David MORA, Iván VELáSQUEZ: A virtual element method for the von Kármán equations. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 55, 2, pp. 533-560, (2021).