Artículos en Revistas Científicas
La siguiente es la lista de publicaciones en revistas científicas del autor indicado, ordenadas por año de ocurrencia, a partir de 2009, fecha de creación del Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería Matemática (CI²MA). Al hacer LINK en el logo de MathScinet ubicado a la derecha, se despliegan todas las publicaciones de este autor en dicha base de datos de la AMS. A su vez, al hacer LINK en un determinado co-autor se despliegan todas sus publicaciones disponibles en la presente base de datos.
Publicaciones de Raimund BÜRGER |
Número | Autores, Título y Datos de la Publicación | DOI Link |
2025-09 | Raimund BÜRGER, Yi MO, Zhuen RUAN, Zhenqi WANG, Aixiang WU: Thickening mechanism under high compression stress based on double yield stress: Comparison between compression and compression-shear coupling. Minerals Engineering, vol. 224, article: 109205 (16pp), (2025). |
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2025-03 | Raimund BÜRGER, Manoj T. NAIR, Arun G. NEELAN, Samala RATHAN: Higher-order conservative discretizations on arbitrarily varying non-uniform grids. Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 44, article: 27 (29pp), (2025). |
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2024-28 | Raimund BÜRGER, Arbaz KHAN, Paul E. MÉNDEZ, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Divergence-conforming methods for transient doubly-diffusive flows: A priori and a posteriori error analysis. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 44, 6, pp. 3520-3572, (2024). |
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2024-18 | Raimund BÜRGER, Yi MO, Zhuen RUAN, Shaoyong WANG, Zhenqi WANG, Aixiang WU: Rheological properties and concentration evolution of thickened tailings under the coupling effect of compression and shear. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, vol. 31, pp. 862-876, (2024). |
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2024-15 | Raimund BÜRGER, Chong CHEN, Zhuen RUAN, Shaoyong WANG, Zhenqi WANG, Aixiang WU, Pengjie WU: Revealing the influence of additional structure on the flow field characteristics and flocculation performance in thickener feedwell through PIV experiments. Powder Technology, vol. 439, article: 119748 (12 pp.), (2024). |
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2024-10 | Raimund BÜRGER, Yi MO, Zhuen RUAN, Shaoyong WANG, Zhenqi WANG, Aixiang WU: Flocculation behavior, mechanics, and optimization of tailings based on multi-objective: Insight into the concentration and time-dependent floc size. Powder Technology, vol. 439, article: 119718 (17pp.), (2024). |
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2024-04 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gezhong CHEN, Hezi HOU, Cuiping LI, Zhuen RUAN: A new permeability model of the compressible tailings thickening bed based on the throat structure parameters. Powder Technology, vol. 433, article: 119263 (16pp), (2024). |
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2023-44 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gezhong CHEN, Yuan GAO, Hezi HOU, Cuiping LI, Zhuen RUAN, Hui WANG: Effect of variations in the polar and azimuthal angles of coarse particles on the structure of drainage channels in thickened beds. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 2321-2333, (2023). |
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2023-37 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL, Romel PINEDA: Numerical schemes for a moving-boundary convection-diffusion-reaction model of sequencing batch reactors. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 2931–2976, (2023). |
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2023-36 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gerardo CHOWELL, Ilja KRÖKER, Leidy Y. LARA-DIAZ: A computational approach to identifiability analysis for a model of the propagation and control of COVID-19 in Chile. Journal of Biological Dynamics, vol. 17, no. 1, article: 2256774 (29pp), (2023). |
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2023-35 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gezhong CHEN, Yuan GAO, Hezi HOU, Cuiping LI, Zhuen RUAN: Structural evolution of bed drainage channels under the shear effect of the whole process of tailings thickening. Minerals Engineering, vol. 203, article: 108364 (13pp), (2023). |
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2023-19 | Raimund BÜRGER, Hao FU, Zhuen RUAN, Jiandong WANG, Aixiang WU: Utilization of rice straw as an inhibitor of strength deterioration of sulfide-rich cemented paste backfill. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 24, pp. 833-843, (2023). |
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2023-18 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gezhong CHEN, Hezi HOU, Cuiping LI, Zhuen RUAN: Research on floc structure and physical properties based on pipeline flocculation. Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol. 53, article: 103627 (16pp), (2023). |
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2023-17 | Raimund BÜRGER, Sonia VALBUENA, Carlos A. VEGA: A well-balanced and entropy stable scheme for a reduced blood flow model. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 39, pp. 2491-2509, (2023). |
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2023-11 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Leopoldo GUTIÉRREZ, María Carmen MARTÍ, Yolanda VÁSQUEZ: A model of froth flotation with drainage: simulations and comparison with experiments. Minerals, vol. 13, article: 344 (24pp), (2023). |
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2023-09 | Raimund BÜRGER, Harold D. CONTRERAS, Luis M. VILLADA: A Hilliges-Weidlich-type scheme for a one-dimensional scalar conservation law with nonlocal flux. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 18, pp. 664-693, (2023). |
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2023-08 | Raimund BÜRGER, R. Jishnu CHANDRAN, Manuel A. DÍAZ, Arun G. NEELAN: An efficient three-level weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme for hyperbolic equations. Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 42, article: 70 (23pp), (2023). |
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2023-05 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, María Carmen MARTÍ, Yolanda VÁSQUEZ: A difference scheme for a triangular system of conservation laws with discontinuous flux modeling three-phase flows. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 140-190, (2023). |
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2023-04 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL, Romel PINEDA: A model of reactive settling of activated sludge: comparison with experimental data. Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 267, article: 118244 (13pp), (2023). |
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2023-01 | Paulo AMORIM, Raimund BÜRGER, Rafael ORDOÑEZ, Luis M. VILLADA: Global existence in a food chain model consisting of two competitive preys, one predator and chemotaxis. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, vol. 69, article: 103703 (24pp), (2023). |
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2022-42 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, María Carmen MARTÍ, Yolanda VÁSQUEZ: A degenerating convection-diffusion system modelling froth flotation with drainage. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 87, pp. 1151-1190, (2022). |
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2022-29 | Raimund BÜRGER, Marlon R. FULLA, José M. MENÉNDEZ-AGUADO, Ismael E. RIVERA: Study of steel ball recharge and consumption in a wet cement industrial mill via a population balance model. Particulate Science and Technology, vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 972-979, (2022). |
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2022-21 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL, Romel PINEDA: A moving-boundary model of reactive settling in wastewater treatment. Part 2: Numerical scheme. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 111, pp. 247-269, (2022). |
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2022-10 | Raimund BÜRGER, Zhaoquan GAO, Zhuen RUAN, Jiandong WANG, Shaoyong WANG, Yiming WANG, Aixiang WU, Pingfa ZHANG: Optimization of parameters for rheological properties and strength of cemented paste backfill blended with coarse aggregates. Minerals, vol. 12, article: 374 (12pp), (2022). |
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2022-09 | Ayotomiwa Ezekiel ADENIYI, Juan M. BANDA, Raimund BÜRGER, Tsira CHAKHAIA, Gerardo CHOWELL, Isaac CHUN-HAI FUNG, Sushma DAHAL, Alexander EWING, Xinyi HUA, Alexander KIRPICH, Leidy Y. LARA-DIAZ, Ruiyan LUO, Sylvia K. OFORI, Olaseni PRINCE, Argita D. SALINDRI, Eunha SHIM, Pavel SKUMS, Anuj SRIVASTAVA, Amna TARIQ: An investigation of spatial-temporal patterns and predictions of the coronavirus 2019 pandemic in Colombia, 2020–2021. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 16, no. 3, article: e0010228 (33pp), (2022). |
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2022-07 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL, Romel PINEDA: A moving-boundary model of reactive settling in wastewater treatment. Part 1: Governing equations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 106, pp. 390-401, (2022). |
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2022-04 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Rafael ORDOÑEZ, Zhuen RUAN, Jiandong WANG, Shaoyong WANG, Yong WANG, Aixiang WU: A population balance model for shear-induced polymer-bridging flocculation of total tailings. Minerals, vol. 12, article: 40 (15pp), (2022). |
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2021-39 | Raimund BÜRGER, Manoj T. NAIR, Arun G. NEELAN: Three-level order-adaptive weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemes. Results in Applied Mathematics, vol. 12, article: 100217 (28pp), (2021). |
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2021-28 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Huazhe JIAO, Zhuen RUAN, Shengkai WANG, Yiming WANG, Yong WANG, Aixiang WU: Effect of interparticle interactions on the yield stress of thickened flocculated copper mineral tailings slurry. Powder Technology, vol. 392, pp. 278-285, (2021). |
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2021-24 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL: A method-of-lines formulation for a model of reactive settling in tanks with varying cross-sectional area. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 86, 3, pp. 514-546, (2021). |
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2021-18 | Raimund BÜRGER, Christophe CHALONS, Rafael ORDOÑEZ, Luis M. VILLADA: A multiclass Lighthill-Whitham-Richards traffic model with a discontinuous velocity function. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 16, 2, pp. 187-219, (2021). |
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2021-13 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gerardo CHOWELL, Leidy Y. LARA-DIAZ: Measuring differences between phenomenological growth models applied to epidemiology. Mathematical Biosciences, vol. 334, article: 108558 (15pp), (2021). |
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2021-09 | Graham BAIRD, Raimund BÜRGER, Paul E. MÉNDEZ, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Second-order schemes for axisymmetric Navier-Stokes-Brinkman and transport equations modelling water filters. Numerische Mathematik, vol. 147, 2, pp. 431-479, (2021). |
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2021-03 | Raimund BÜRGER, Sarvesh KUMAR, David MORA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Nitesh VERMA: Virtual element methods for the three-field formulation of time-dependent linear poroelasticity. Advances in Computational Mathematics, vol. 47, 1, article: 2 (37pp), (2021). |
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2020-55 | Raimund BÜRGER, Enrique D. FERNÁNDEZ NIETO, Victor OSORES: A multilayer shallow water approach for polydisperse sedimentation with sediment compressibility and mixture viscosity. Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 85, 2, article: 49 (40pp), (2020). |
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2020-52 | Antonio BAEZA, Raimund BÜRGER, María Carmen MARTÍ, Pep MULET, David ZORÍO: On approximate implicit Taylor method for ordinary differential equations. Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 39, 4, article: 304 (21pp), (2020). |
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2020-50 | Raimund BÜRGER, Elvis GAVILÁN, Daniel INZUNZA, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Exploring a convection-diffusion-reaction model of the propagation of forest fires: computation of risk maps for heterogeneous environments. Mathematics, vol. 8, 10, article: 1674 (20pp), (2020). |
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2020-46 | Raimund BÜRGER, Paola GOATIN, Daniel INZUNZA, Luis M. VILLADA: A non-local pedestrian flow model accounting for anisotropic interactions and domain boundaries. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 17, 5, pp. 5883-5906, (2020). |
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2020-44 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, María Carmen MARTÍ, Yolanda VÁSQUEZ: Flotation with sedimentation: Steady states and numerical simulation of transient operation. Minerals Engineering, vol. 157, Art. Num. 106419 (18pp), (2020). |
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2020-39 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, María Carmen MARTÍ, Yolanda VÁSQUEZ: Simulation and control of dissolved air flotation and column froth flotation with simultaneous sedimentation. Water Science and Technology, vol. 81, 8, pp. 1723-1732, (2020). |
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2020-38 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL: A review of flux identification methods for models of sedimentation. Water Science and Technology, vol. 81, 8, pp. 1715-1722, (2020). |
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2020-37 | Raimund BÜRGER, Elvis GAVILÁN, Daniel INZUNZA, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Implicit-explicit methods for a convection-diffusion-reaction model of the propagation of forest fires. Mathematics, vol. 8, article: 1034 (21pp), (2020). |
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2020-32 | Raimund BÜRGER, Zhuen RUAN, Jiandong WANG, Yong WANG, Aixiang WU, Shenghua YIN: Optimization of flocculation and settling parameters of tailings slurry by response surface methodology. Minerals Engineering, vol. 156, article: 106488 (8pp), (2020). |
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2020-30 | Raimund BÜRGER, Paul E. MÉNDEZ, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Convergence of H(div)-conforming schemes for a new model of sedimentation in circular clarifiers with a rotating rake. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 367, article: 113130, (2020). |
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2020-28 | Raimund BÜRGER, Rafael ORDOÑEZ, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA, Luis M. VILLADA: Numerical analysis of a three-species chemotaxis model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 80, pp. 183-203, (2020). |
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2020-19 | Antonio BAEZA, Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, David ZORÍO: An efficient third-order WENO scheme with unconditionally optimal accuracy. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 42, No. 2, pp. A1028-A1051, (2020). |
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2019-47 | Antonio BAEZA, Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, David ZORÍO: Weno reconstructions of unconditionally optimal high order. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 2760-2784, (2019). |
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2019-44 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, María Carmen MARTÍ: A system of conservation laws with discontinuous flux modelling flotation with sedimentation. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 84, 5, pp. 930-973, (2019). |
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2019-36 | Raimund BÜRGER, Paul E. MÉNDEZ, Carlos PARÉS: On entropy stable schemes for degenerate parabolic multispecies kinematic flow models. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 35, 5, pp. 1847-1872, (2019). |
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2019-35 | Raimund BÜRGER, Enrique D. FERNÁNDEZ NIETO, Victor OSORES: A dynamic multilayer shallow water model for polydisperse sedimentation. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 53, 4, pp. 1391-1432, (2019). |
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2019-34 | Antonio BAEZA, Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, David ZORÍO: On the efficient computation of smoothness indicators for a class of WENO reconstructions. Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 80, 2, pp. 1240-1263, (2019). |
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2019-33 | Raimund BÜRGER, Hector TORRES, Carlos A. VEGA: An entropy stable scheme for the multiclass Lighthill-Whitham-Richards traffic model. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 11, 5, pp. 1022-1047, (2019). |
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2019-30 | Raimund BÜRGER, Paul E. MÉNDEZ, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: On H(div)-conforming methods for double-diffusion equations in porous media. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 57, 3, pp. 1318-1343, (2019). |
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2019-28 | Raimund BÜRGER, Daniel INZUNZA, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Implicit-explicit methods for a class of nonlinear nonlocal gradient flow equations modelling collective behaviour. Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 144, pp. 234-252, (2019). |
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2019-24 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gerardo CHOWELL, Leidy Y. LARA-DIAZ: Comparative analysis of phenomenological growth models applied to epidemic outbreaks. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 16, 5, pp. 4250-4273, (2019). |
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2019-18 | Raimund BÜRGER, Daniel INZUNZA, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Implicit-explicit schemes for nonlinear nonlocal equations with a gradient flow structure in one space dimension. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 35, 3, pp. 1008-1034, (2019). |
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2019-11 | Antonio BAEZA, Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, David ZORÍO: Central WENO schemes through a global average weight. Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 78, 1, pp. 499-530, (2019). |
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2019-07 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gerardo CHOWELL, Elvis GAVILÁN, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Numerical solution of a spatio-temporal predator-prey model with infected prey. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 16, 1, pp. 438-473, (2019). |
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2019-02 | Raimund BÜRGER, Ilja KRÖKER: Computational uncertainty quantification for some strongly degenerate parabolic convection-diffusion equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 348, pp. 490-508, (2019). |
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2018-28 | Raimund BÜRGER, Oswaldo BUSTAMANTE, Marlon FULLA, Ismael RIVERA: A population balance model of ball wear in grinding mills: An experimental case study. Minerals Engineering, vol. 128, pp. 288-293, (2018). |
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2018-24 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL, Ryan MERCKEL, Jesús ZAMBRANO: Estimating the hindered-settling flux function from a batch test in a cone. Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 192, pp. 244-253, (2018). |
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2018-22 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Camilo MEJÍAS: A difference scheme for a degenerating convection-diffusion-reaction system modelling continuous sedimentation. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 52, 2, pp. 365-392, (2018). |
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2018-21 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL: Flux identification of scalar conservation laws from sedimentation in a cone. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 83, 3, pp. 526-552, (2018). |
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2018-19 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, María Carmen MARTÍ: A conservation law with multiply discontinuous flux modelling a flotation column. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 13, 2, pp. 339-371, (2018). |
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2018-15 | Raimund BÜRGER, Sudarshan K. KENETTINKARA, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Hector TORRES: Coupling of discontinuous Galerkin schemes for viscous flow in porous media with adsorption. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 40, 2, pp. B637-B662, (2018). |
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2018-04 | Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Lihki RUBIO: Implicit-explicit methods for the efficient simulation of the settling of dispersions of droplets and colloidal particles. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 10, 2, pp. 445-467, (2018). |
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2018-03 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Christophe CHALONS, Stefan DIEHL, Sebastian FARåS: A random sampling method for a family of Temple-class systems of conservation laws. Numerische Mathematik, vol. 138, 1, pp. 37-73, (2018). |
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2018-02 | Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Lihki RUBIO, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Linearly implicit-explicit schemes for the equilibrium dispersive model of chromatography. Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 317, pp. 172-186, (2018). |
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2018-01 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gerardo CHOWELL, Elvis GAVILÁN, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Numerical solution of a spatio-temporal gender-structured model for hantavirus infection in rodents. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 15, pp. 95-123, (2018). |
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2017-32 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL: A simulation model for settling tanks with varying cross-sectional area. Chemical Engineering Communications, vol. 204, 11, pp. 1270-1281, (2017). |
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2017-29 | Raimund BÜRGER, Sudarshan K. KENETTINKARA, David ZORÍO: Approximate Lax-Wendroff discontinuous Galerkin methods for hyperbolic conservation laws. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 74, 6, pp. 1288-1310, (2017) |
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2017-17 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, María Carmen MARTÍ, Pep MULET, Ingmar NOPENS, Elena TORFS, Peter VANROLLEGHEM: Numerical solution of a multi-class model for batch settling in water resource recovery facilities. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 49, pp. 415-436, (2017). |
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2017-16 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL: Entropy solutions of a scalar conservation law modelling sedimentation in vessels with varying cross-sectional area. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 77, 2, pp. 789-811, (2017). |
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2017-08 | Sophie BALEMANS, Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Pierre FRANCOIS, Julien LAURENT, Florent LOCATELLI, María Carmen MARTÍ, Ingmar NOPENS, Elena TORFS, Peter VANROLLEGHEM: Concentration-driven models revisited: Towards a unified framework to model settling tanks in water resource recovery facilities. Water Science and Technology, vol. 75, 3, pp. 539-551, (2017). |
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2017-04 | Sophie BALEMANS, Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Pierre FRANCOIS, Julien LAURENT, Florent LOCATELLI, Ingmar NOPENS, Elena TORFS: On constitutive functions for hindered settling velocity in 1-D settler models: selection of appropriate model structure. Water Research, vol. 110, 1, pp. 38-47, (2017). |
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2017-01 | Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Canrong TIAN: Stability analysis and finite volume element discretization for delay-driven spatio-temporal patterns in a predator–prey model. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 132, pp. 28-52, (2017). |
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2016-31 | Raimund BÜRGER, Julio CAREAGA, Stefan DIEHL, Camilo MEJÍAS, Ingmar NOPENS, Elena TORFS, Peter VANROLLEGHEM: Simulations of reactive settling of activated sludge with a reduced biokinetic model. Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 92, pp. 216-229, (2016). |
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2016-30 | Raimund BÜRGER, Sudarshan K. KENETTINKARA, Sarvesh KUMAR, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Discontinuous approximation of viscous two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 321, pp. 126-150, (2016). |
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2016-27 | Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Lihki RUBIO: Polynomial viscosity methods for multispecies kinematic flow models. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 32, 4, pp. 1265-1288, (2016). |
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2016-26 | Raimund BÜRGER, Christophe CHALONS, Luis M. VILLADA: Antidiffusive Lagrangian-remap schemes for models of polydisperse sedimentation. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 32, 4, pp. 1109-1136, (2016). |
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2016-19 | Andrea BARTH, Raimund BÜRGER, Ilja KRÖKER, Christian ROHDE: Computational uncertainty quantification for a clarifier-thickener model with several random perturbations: A hybrid stochastic Galerkin approach. Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 89, pp. 11-26, (2016). |
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2016-18 | Raimund BÜRGER, Christophe CHALONS, Luis M. VILLADA: On second-order antidiffusive Lagrangian-remap schemes for multispecies kinematic flow models. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, (New Series), vol. 47, 1, pp. 187-200, (2016). |
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2016-17 | Sebastiano BOSCARINO, Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Giovanni RUSSO, Luis M. VILLADA: On linearly implicit IMEX Runge-Kutta methods for degenerate convection-diffusion problems modeling polydisperse sedimentation. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, (New Series), vol. 47, 1, pp. 171-185, (2016). |
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2016-16 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Camilo MEJÍAS: On time discretizations for the simulation of the batch settling-compression process in one dimension. Water Science and Technology, vol. 73, 5, pp. 1010-1017, (2016). |
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2016-02 | Raimund BÜRGER, Gerardo CHOWELL, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Modelling the spatial-temporal evolution of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic in Chile. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 13, 1, pp. 43-65, (2016). |
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2015-23 | Carlos D. ACOSTA, Raimund BÜRGER, Carlos E. MEJIA: Efficient parameter estimation in a macroscopic traffic flow model by discrete mollification. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, vol. 11, 8, pp. 702-715, (2015). |
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2015-17 | Raimund BÜRGER, Sarvesh KUMAR, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Discontinuous finite volume element discretization for coupled flow-transport problems arising in models of sedimentation. Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 299, pp. 446-471, (2015). |
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2015-12 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Thomas MAERE, Ingmar NOPENS, Elena TORFS: Impact on sludge inventory and control strategies using the Benchmark Simulation Model No. 1 with the Bürger-Diehl settler model. Water Science and Technology, vol. 71, 10, pp. 1524-1535, (2015). |
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2015-08 | Sebastiano BOSCARINO, Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Giovanni RUSSO, Luis M. VILLADA: Linearly implicit IMEX Runge-Kutta methods for a class of degenerate convection-diffusion problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. B305-B331, (2015). |
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2014-25 | Raimund BÜRGER, Ilja KRÖKER, Christian ROHDE: A hybrid stochastic Galerkin method for uncertainty quantification applied to a conservation law modelling a clarifier-thickener unit. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), vol. 94, 10, pp. 793-817, (2014). |
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2014-15 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Camilo MEJÍAS: Advance methods of flux identification for Clarifier-Thickener simulation models. Minerals Engineering, vol. 63, pp. 2-15, (2014). |
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2014-14 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Sebastian FARåS: Modelling and controlling clarifier-thickeners fed by suspensions with time-dependent properties. Minerals Engineering, vol. 62, pp. 91-101, (2014). |
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2014-13 | Carlos D. ACOSTA, Raimund BÜRGER, Carlos E. MEJIA: A stability and sensitivity analysis of parametric functions in a sedimentation model. Dyna, vol. 81, 183, pp. 22-30, (2014). |
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2013-28 | Raimund BÜRGER, Christophe CHALONS, Luis M. VILLADA: Anti-diffusive and random-sampling Lagrangian-remap schemes for the multi-class Lighthill-Whitham-Richards traffic model. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 35, 6, pp. 1341-1368, (2013) |
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2013-23 | Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: A diffusively corrected multiclass Lighthill-Whitham-Richards traffic model with anticipation lengths and reaction times. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 5, 5, pp. 728-758, (2013) . |
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2013-20 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Sebastian FARåS, Ingmar NOPENS, Elena TORFS: A consistent modelling methodology for secondary settling tanks: A reliable numerical method. Water Science and Technology, vol. 68, 1, pp. 192-208, (2013). |
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2013-19 | Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Regularized nonlinear solvers for IMEX methods applied to diffusively corrected multi-species kinematic flow models. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35 (3), pp. B751-B777, (2013). |
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2013-14 | Raimund BÜRGER, Pep MULET, Luis M. VILLADA: Spectral WENO schemes with adaptive mesh refinement for models of polydisperse sedimentation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), vol. 93, 6-7, pp. 373-386, (2013). |
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2013-09 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL: Convexity-preserving flux identification for scalar conservation laws modelling sedimentation. Inverse Problems, vol. 29, 4, pp. 045008, (2013). |
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2013-05 | Raimund BÜRGER, Enrique D. FERNÁNDEZ NIETO, El Hadji KONÉ, Tomás MORALES DE LUNA: A multilayer shallow water system for polydisperse sedimentation. Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 238, pp. 281-314, (2013). |
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2012-28 | Carlos D. ACOSTA, Raimund BÜRGER: Difference schemes stabilized by discrete mollification for degenerate parabolic equations in two space dimensions. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 32, 4, pp. 1509-1540, (2012). |
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2012-19 | Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Hector TORRES: A stabilized finite volume element formulation for sedimentation-consolidation processes. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 34, 3, pp. B265-B289, (2012). |
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2012-15 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Sebastian FARåS, Ingmar NOPENS: On reliable and unreliable numerical methods for the simulation of secondary settling tanks in wastewater treatment. Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol. 41, pp. 93-105, (2012). |
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2012-13 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Sebastian FARåS, Ingmar NOPENS, Elena TORFS: A reliable numerical method for secondary settling modelling. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, vol. 77, 1, pp. 151-156, (2012). |
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2012-12 | Raimund BÜRGER, Rosa DONAT, Pep MULET, Carlos A. VEGA: On the hyperbolicity of certain models of polydisperse sedimentation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 35, 6, pp. 723-744, (2012). |
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2012-08 | Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Kai SCHNEIDER, Hector TORRES: A multiresolution method for the simulation of sedimentation in inclined channels. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, vol. 9, 3, pp. 479-504, (2012). |
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2012-02 | Carlos D. ACOSTA, Raimund BÜRGER, Carlos E. MEJIA: Monotone difference schemes stabilized by discrete mollification for strongly degenerate parabolic equations. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 28, 1, pp. 38-62, (2012). |
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2011-11 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Kenneth H. KARLSEN: A strongly degenerate parabolic aggregation equation. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, vol. 9, 3, pp. 711-742, (2011). |
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2011-10 | Raimund BÜRGER, Stefan DIEHL, Ingmar NOPENS: A consistent modelling methodology for secondary settling tanks in wastewater treatment. Water Research, vol. 45, 6, pp. 2247-2260, (2011). |
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2011-07 | Fernando BETANCOURT, Raimund BÜRGER, Kenneth H. KARLSEN, Elmer M. TORY: On nonlocal conservation laws modelling sedimentation. Nonlinearity, vol. 24, 3, pp. 855-885, (2011). |
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2011-04 | Raimund BÜRGER, Rosa DONAT, Pep MULET, Carlos A. VEGA: On the implementation of WENO schemes for a class of polydisperse sedimentation models. Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 230, 6, pp. 2322-2344, (2011). |
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2010-23 | Raimund BÜRGER, Kenneth H. KARLSEN, Hector TORRES, John D. TOWERS: Second-order schemes for conservation laws with discontinuous flux modelling clarifier-thickener units. Numerische Mathematik, vol. 116, 4, pp. 579-617, (2010) |
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2010-22 | Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: A multiresolution space-time adaptive scheme for the bidomain model in electrocardiology. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 26, 6, pp. 1377-1404, (2010) |
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2010-15 | Stefan BERRES, Raimund BÜRGER, Rodrigo GARCES: Centrifugal settling of flocculated suspensions: A sensitivity analysis of parametric model functions. Drying Technology, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 858-870, (2010) |
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2010-14 | Raimund BÜRGER, Kenneth H. KARLSEN, John D. TOWERS: On some difference schemes and entropy conditions for a class of multi-species kinematic flow models with discontinuous flux. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 461-485, (2010) |
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2010-08 | Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: A finite volume scheme for cardiac propagation in media with isotropic conductivities. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 80, 9, pp. 1821-1840, (2010) |
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2010-05 | Raimund BÜRGER, Rosa DONAT, Pep MULET, Carlos A. VEGA: Hyperbolicity analysis of polydisperse sedimentation models via a secular equation for the flux Jacobian. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 70, 7, pp. 2186-2213, (2010) |
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2010-04 | Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Kai SCHNEIDER: Adaptive multiresolution methods for the simulation of waves in excitable media. Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 43, 2, pp. 261-290, (2010) |
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2009-28 | Raimund BÜRGER, Aníbal CORONEL, Mauricio SEPÚLVEDA: Numerical solution of an inverse problem for a scalar conservation law modelling sedimentation. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, vol. 67, 2, 445-454, (2009) |
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2009-27 | Raimund BÜRGER, Kenneth H. KARLSEN, John D. TOWERS: A conservation law with discontinuous flux modelling traffic flow with abruptly changing road surface conditions. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, vol. 67, 2, pp. 455-464, (2009) |
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2009-21 | Stefan BERRES, Raimund BÜRGER, Alice KOZAKEVICIUS: Numerical approximation of oscillatory solutions of hyperbolic-elliptic systems of conservation laws by multiresolution schemes. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 1, 5, pp. 581-614, (2009) |
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2009-18 | Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER: Multiresolution simulation of reaction-diffusion systems with strong degeneracy. Boletin de la Sociedad Espagnola de Matematica Aplicada, vol. 47, pp. 73-80, (2009) |
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2009-16 | Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Jose M. URBANO: On a doubly nonlinear diffusion model of chemotaxis with prevention of overcrowding. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 32, 13, pp. 1704-1737. (2009) |
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2009-09 | Raimund BÜRGER, Kenneth H. KARLSEN, John D. TOWERS: An Engquist-Osher-type scheme for conservation laws with discontinuous flux adapted to flux connections. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 47, 3, pp. 1684-1712, (2009) |
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2009-08 | Mostafa BENDAHMANE, Raimund BÜRGER, Ricardo RUIZ-BAIER, Kai SCHNEIDER: Adaptive multiresolution schemes with local time stepping for two-dimensional degenerate reaction-diffusion systems. Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 59, 7, pp. 1668-1692, (2009) |
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2009-01 | David K. BASSON, Stefan BERRES, Raimund BÜRGER: On models of polydisperse sedimentation with particle-size-specific hindered-settling factors. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 33, pp. 1815-1835, (2009) |
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